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To create a society where young people with disabilities are employed, included and have equal access to opportunities.


To advocate for the rights and well being of youth with disabilities focusing on Sexual Reproductive Health, Economic Empowerment, Career Guidance and Mental Health.


Through our continuous efforts we envision a society that respects, supports and values the rights and potentials of youth with disabilities, we measure our impacts by the enhanced access to sexaul reproductive health, improved career prospects and increased economic empowerment of young people with disabilities.


we welcome individuals, organizations and partners who share our vision and are passionate about promoting inclusivity and equity for persons with disabilities, together we can make a difference and create a more inclusive society.


Below are the fields that we consider to be the most crucial.

Advocacy for Inclusive Access to Sexual Reproductive Health

We strive to promote and ensure that young people with disabilities have equal and inclusive access to sexual reproductive health services..

Economic Empowerment

we provide young PWDS with entrepreneurialship training,access to micro finance opportunities and assertive devices that enhance their productivity and employment prospects.

Career Guidance

We offer guidance, mentorship and t raining programs to help them explore career pathways, enhance their skills and pursue their aspirat ions.

Water Project In Kenya

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts.

Mental Health

With changing t ime we have realized that most youth have fallen prone to ment al health challenges with no access to informat ion and specialized and disabilit y inclusive ment al health services we have realized the need to invest heavily into ment al health for young per sons with disabilit.

Climate Change

Climate change is also one of those key areas Twezuule Foundation has chosen to focus on climate most minorities facing the climate crisis, and therefore needing to call for more investment in disability inclusive climate justice, nothing that person s with disability are often more valunarable to climate change due to the luck of access information services this includes our perspectives in climate planning and adaptation strategies.

Recent From Activities

In our existance, we have been going through various activities to ensure that our vision,mission, are fulfilled.

Medical Mission in Masaka

Sep. 15th 21

all members in masaka where help to receive us.

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Conference in kamapala

Sep. 15th 21

we have been attending various conferences to preach our gospel of prosperity.

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Kyengera youth summit

Sep. 15th 21

Hands on activities to enpower all the youths in various parts of the country.

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